We Respect Your Privacy

We respect your privacy at DJO Store and we take great care to ensure that your personal information is handled appropriately.

You can find out how we handle your personal information here. If you have any questions or concerns, please contact our Privacy Officer through our Contact Us section.

This Privacy Policy follows the Australian Privacy Principles for the handling of personal information under the Privacy Act 1988 (Cth) (Privacy Act). Full details of our obligations and your rights in connection with our handling of personal information are set out in the Privacy Act. It is important to note that in order to continue meeting our obligations to the Privacy Act and other privacy regulations, we may update our Privacy Policy from time to time (and will post the updated version on our website).

This Privacy Policy deals with how we handle any “personal information” as that term is defined under the Privacy Act.

What information do you collect and hold?

The information that you give us and information about your order may be combined with other personally identifiable information (such as, but not limited to, IP addresses, email addresses, demographic information and past purchase history) available from our records and other sources. This information will be used to make our future marketing efforts more efficient. This information may also be shared with other marketers to bring you offers of interest. If you prefer that we do not share your name and address with other marketers, please email us at EMAIL.

For the purposes of the Privacy Act, this Privacy Policy does not apply to information we collect about businesses or companies, but it does apply to information about the people involved with them. If any personal information is provided about a third party, the individual providing the information warrants that third party has given consent to providing that information to DJO Store, and our parent company, DJO Global Australia.

Where do you collect and hold the information?

There are two areas on our site where we collect the personal information:
– the Check Out page
– Email Newsletter Signup
– the Log In page
– participation in a survey

If any personal information is received without an individual’s consent, we will delete the information or inform the individual that we hold such information, in accordance with the Australian Privacy Principles.

All personal information is held in a secured internal database, and in some cases in secure third party application repositories. Every effort is made by us to ensure that your personal information is secure.

What do you do with the information?

Once we have collected the above information, it is used to process orders, to communicate with you about your order, adequately manage dealings, address compaints or issues, and to provide future notification to you of special offers or promotions. We also use it to improve our website. We may provide statistical information about buying patterns and traffic patterns to others, but this data does not include any personal information.

Do you disclose personal information to overseas recipients?

As DJO Store is owned by a global brand, from time to time we will disclose personal information to overseas recipients for the purpose of enhancing our services and products to users. These recipients include clients such as other offices, our DJO Global partners, clients, investors, and other third party recipients that DJO Store engages with to improve their service to users. We may also use third party service providers based overseas (including in the United States) to communicate and store information and contact details.

By consenting to such disclosure of personal information you acknowledge that recipients outside of Australia will not be required to comply with the Australian Privacy Principles (or similar regime).

How and why do you use “Cookies”?

“Cookies” are a type of information that is stored on your hard drive via your web browser. The “cookies” that mimstore.com.au uses do not contain any personal data such as credit card information, passwords, or even your name or address. Cookies simply help us to identify your session on the site. They also help us maintain specific visit information about you without forcing you to register or to give personal information.

However, you should have the option of disabling “cookies” through your browser. This is a function of your computer, so the manner in which to turn the “cookies” off is quite individual and thus, cannot be addressed here. Please realise, if you choose to disable the “cookies” we will not be able to personalise your experience with us at DJO Store.com.au nor can we guarantee a complete login, registration or shopping experience.

Links to Other Websites

DJO Store contains links to other websites. DJO Store is not responsible or liable for the content and operation of any external websites. It is for the user or client to read and agree to the terms of use and privacy policy of any external websites.

Access and Correction

Information can be accessed or corrected by contacting DJO Store through our Contact Us section. Subject to the Australian Privacy Principles, we are required to provide access to your personal information within 30 days. We will correct any notified errors within 7 days of receipt.

Complaints and Further Information

Complaints can be made directly through our Contact Us section. We will do all we can to ensure your complaint is addressed and handled to the best of our abilities. If you are not satisfied with our response you may complain to the Commonwealth Ombudsman.

Receiving Email Promotions and Information From DJOStore.com.au

We periodically send emails to our customers to help keep you informed of new products, features and/or special promotions. In every email that we distribute, we include instructions on how to remove [unsubscribe] your email address from the distribution list.

Secure Credit Card Transaction Processing

Our web site uses Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) encryption to transmit your credit card information from a secure webpage to a secure application on our server. Once on our server, your credit card number is saved only long enough for us to process and approve the transaction. During the final stages of ordering online, you will see an unbroken key or locked padlock at the bottom of your browser window and https:// in the location window at the top of your browser. Both of these indicate that the page you are on is secured using SSL encryption to communicate with our secure web server. Because SSL encryption slows down a web site, it is only used in the final stage of ordering, before and after you enter your credit card information. You will not see these security indicators until you begin the checkout process and indicate that you prefer to order online with a credit card.

Acceptance of Privacy Policy Terms & Conditions

By using our web site, you consent to the collection and use of this information by DJO Store.com.au. If we decide to change our privacy policy, we will post those changes on this page so that you are always aware of our policies.

Couldn’t Find What You Were Looking For?

If you wish to see all our terms, policies, orders and returns information, you can find all of this on one single page by CLICKING HERE.